HCGTec is an Environmentally Responsible Grenadian company focused and committed to consistently providing high-quality fresh organic vegetables and seedlings, at competi-tive prices throughout the year.

About us

New Generation Farmers
Growing Green for a Sustainable Tomorrow


Chief Executive Office (owner)
Micah R. Issac has 4 years experience in Plant Science Technology at the Chapingo University in Mexico, and worked as Technical Assistant Supervisor at CARDI (Caribbean Agriculture research and Development Institute) based in Grenada. Micah, with his background of plant science will be the driving force of the operation, growing the highest quality of organic plants using greenhouse techniques in the country.


                                                       Chief Technical Office (owner)
Renortha D. Penny is a dynamic and motivated young entrepreneur who has 4 years in the area of Green business development strategies and creates a close relationship between research and sustainable development issues.
She holds a BA in Environmental Management majoring in waste Management and Green Business Development from Universidad del Valle de Orizaba, Ver. Mexico. Additionally an Associate Degree in Natural Science with Education and attain intellectual knowledge for the use of ICTs programs.


Chief Financial Office
Kurnell Penny
Young and energetic who is currently perusing an Associate Degree in Business Management

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