HCGTec is an Environmentally Responsible Grenadian company focused and committed to consistently providing high-quality fresh organic vegetables and seedlings, at competi-tive prices throughout the year.

Implementation of Greenhouse farming:

Present situation in Grenada

A major challenge at the national level will be to make agriculture viable and attractive for investment in support of the national economic development process.

The challenge has become onerous because the sector lacks the necessary infrastructure (irrigation, roads, storage and transport and marketing) especially for non-traditional crops. There is also a lack of modern technologies as well as necessary information to support planning and decision making. Other characteristic features of the sector are an aging population; low levels of investment capital and weak linkages between agriculture and other sectors; small and uneconomic farm sizes and low productivity. Frequent hostile weather conditions also contribute to the risks of production. In closing many produce are not package for conservation or recognition given to the farmer/s. (caricom)

Implementation of Greenhouse farming:

Farming in Grenada is being done the same way for many years since our ancestors came to the island as slaves back in the 1800s; they have worked the land tirelessly day and night under the blazing sun and at many time will lose their crops/ produce during the raining season due to erosion and moreover from larceny.

Greenhouse farming systems for seedlings and vegetables are not practiced by the ordinary farmer and as a result this is a venturing opportunity for our company to grow our produce systematically with the use of technology, meeting the consumers demand and also to utilize this as a water conservation strategy within the agricultural industry. Improving livelihoods. (Less time will be spent clearing the land however will be placed in research and market development programs)

HCGTec after studying the historical and future trends of production and demand for vegetables and seedlings for the past years; the owners see the opportunity to establish a vegetable and nursery greenhouse system to meet the future demands. This is expected to increase by 45 %.

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